Beef Tongue

Beef Tongue

Whole Beef Tongue

Beef tongue offers a wonderfully tender texture when cooked correctly - not to mention its health benefits. It is high in iron, zinc, vitamin B-12, and it offers a tasty way to consume protein.

While it's not considered as popular when compared to more traditional cuts like steak, it's a real treat when it makes an appearance on your dinner table.

Tongue is a staple of many diets all over the world, particularly in Asia and South America. In these regions, it is used in BBQ meals and tacos. It is even traditionally gorged on during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

For best results, we recommend to either take the Asian BBQ route of slicing it very thin before cooking in a short amount of time, or slow cooking it for six to eight hours with onions and garlic, or any substitutes you'd prefer. This will give it that soft texture and flavorsome taste.